
Preview Documents Tutorial with QLPreviewController

Preview Documents Tutorial with QLPreviewController:

For the past few months I’ve been meaning to spend some time to check out the quick look document previewer on iOS – what follows is a short app that I wrote to get familiar with the QLPreviewController API.

For those unfamiliar with the quick look previewer, it is a framework that provides quick previewing of a range of document types – supported documents include iWork documents, Microsoft Office, Rich Text Format, PDF, images, text files and comma-separated (csv) files.

Document Previewer Demo App

What follows are a few screenshots of the previewer application covered in this post. I’ve added three different file types in the application, an image, a pdf and an MS Office document. The screenshot in the upper left is the list of available files to preview. In the lower left is Remodel.xls, an Excel document. The upper right screenshot is the iOSDevTips.png image. Notice in this same image in the upper right corner is a directional arrow (outlined with the red box), this leads you to one nice addition you get for free with preview, support for printing (assuming you have a wireless printer in the vicinity).

Document Previewer Interface

The interface file for the application is shown below, notice the reference to the QL Data Source, when using the QLPreviewController you must adopt this protocol. The only instance variable is an array that will hold strings value representing the title of each document available for previewing. The UITableViewController class will be used to display the list of documents to preview.

#import <QuickLook/QuickLook.h>

@interface TestViewController : UITableViewController <QLPreviewControllerDataSource>
NSArray *arrayOfDocuments;


Document Previewer Implementation

In this section I’ll show a selection of code applicable to setting up the previewer. The code for creating the table view and populating the same can be viewed in the Xcode project which you can download from the link below.

The initialization code populates the array of document names:

if (self = [super init])
arrayOfDocuments = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
@"iOSDevTips.png", @"Remodel.xls", @"Core J2ME Technology.pdf", nil];
return self;

The method below is one of the two required when adopting the QLPreviewControllerDataSource protocol, this method informs the preview controller how many items are in the preview navigation list:

- (NSInteger) numberOfPreviewItemsInPreviewController: (QLPreviewController *) controller
return [arrayOfDocuments count];

The method that does all the work (other than the previewer itself of course) is shown below – this method returns a NSURL object of the item to display. Given the objects to display are packaged within the application, I create a path to the relevant file in the application bundle and return a URL using that same path.:

- (id <QLPreviewItem>)previewController: (QLPreviewController *)controller previewItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index
// Break the path into its components (filename and extension)
NSArray *fileComponents = [[arrayOfDocuments objectAtIndex: index] componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];

// Use the filename (index 0) and the extension (index 1) to get path
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[fileComponents objectAtIndex:0] ofType:[fileComponents objectAtIndex:1]];

return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];

The remaining code in the project is typical iPhone/iOS stuff, creating the app delegate, adding a subview (a navigation controller) to the delegate’s UIWindow and making the window visible. I’ve included code from the delegate below, here you can get the bigger picture view of how I setup the view controller for this application.

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application
// Create and initialize the window
window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];

// Create test view controller
vc = [[TestViewController alloc] init];

// Create navigation controller
nav = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:vc];

[window addSubview:[nav view]];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];

One point worth mentioning is that you have two different options when working with a preview controller. First, you can push the object with the preview controller onto a view using a UINavigationController object, which you can see is what I’ve done here. The preview controller for my app lives in TestViewController and this object is set as the root view controller for a navigation controller.

The second approach to display the preview controller is modally, using the method presentModalViewController.

Document Previewer Source Code

Xcode project for iPhone Document Previewer

