So there’s a new option out there for your 3D engine game needs (you may recall our NinevehGL post a little while back rounding up a bunch of other ones):
iSGL3D : iOS Scene Graph Library 3D
iSGL3D (iOS Scene Graph Library) is a 3D framework for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch written in Objective-C, enabling the creativity of developers to flourish in a 3D world without the complexities of OpenGL.
With its rich set of features, iSGL3D provides the necessary tools to develop 3D applications in an incredibly short time frame, even with a minimum of experience in 3D graphics…
And very pretty looking, too.
Google Code page here, with links to API documentation and tutorials and a reasonably active looking newsgroup. MIT-licensed open source, always nice, and what looks like a good list of features:
- Simple 3D scene construction
- Lighting and shading
- Camera manipulation
- Multiple views with independent viewports
- Meshes and built-in primitives
- Particle systems
- Billboards
- Color, texture and animated texture materials
- Support for PowerVR compressed textures
- Optimised performance with OpenGL ES 1.1 and ES 2.0
- Hardware accelerated matrix calculations
- Scene and model importing from PowerVR POD files
- Bridging to Bullet physics library
- Real-time shadows
- Animation by Tweening
- Skeleton and mesh skinning
- Keyframe vertex animation/morphing
- Integrated accelerometer support
- Touch-screen events and interactive 3D objects
- Occlusion transparency
- Basic user interface creation
So hey, if you have any actual informed opinion on how this compares to the plentitude of other options, let us know!
h/t: maniacdev!