
iOS Open Source : Nimbus

iOS Open Source : Nimbus:

The name Jeff Verkoeyen may sound familiar if you worked with the popular Three20 (Facebook) framework. Jeff took over the project from its original creator, Joe Hewitt. Nimbus is a project created by Jeff to overcome a number of challenges with Three20, including limited documentation, cross-dependencies, a complicated build process and minimal unit tests. No doubt, Three20 offers a number of time-saving UI controls, however, it is not trivial to get things working.

The goal of Nimbus is quite admirable: Nimbus hopes to one day provide as much value as Three20 does on a feature-by-feature comparison, but with the invaluable benefit of sublime documentation and test coverage.

What You’ll Find in Nimbus

- Launcher offers an icon-centric UI

- Asynchronous image downloading and caching

- Photo scrolling viewer with zoom support

- Table-based form elements

- Many other helpful controls

Below is a screenshot of the support for tables and form elements as well the launcher UI. Both apps are included in the example set packaged with Nimbus.

Nimbus History

To get a full appreciation for the history of Nimbus, take a moment and read The Nimbus Backstory, near the bottom of the github page (link below). Trust me, it’s worth a few minutes of your time…

Download Nimbus

You can download Nimbus from github.

Open Source Recommendations ?

Have you written or worked with iOS or Cocoa open source that you think others would find interesting, send me a note.

