All of the code needed to scan in, draw, and manage text strings from font sheets is in and has been published. Chapter 4: Say “Hello, World!”, OpenGL starts us off with a walkthrough of what we want to accomplish with the new font scanner, and how it will work conceptually.
Chapter 5: Building the Importer walks us through the actual code involved in creating the importer.
After that, in Chapter 6: Using the Importer, we think through what our text string class needs to be able to do to work well with the new importer class. We also start to think about coordinate systems and another class to manage all of our text strings.
Chapter 7: Creating the Text Class takes us on a long journey through the creation of the EDTextString class, a complicated but versatile class that allows us to take the data created by the font importer class and actually create and manipulate OpenGL texture-based dynamic text strings.
At the end of Chapter 7, we find that we still have a few pieces missing from our text rendering system, and finish up the effort with the final class, the EDTextStringManager. Chapter 8: Managing Our Text Strings walks through the creation of the final text handling class, and even takes time out to create a new utility class to contain our texture loading code, EDOpenGLTools.
At last, Chapter 9: Finally, OpenGL Says “Hello, World!”, and More takes all of our hard work from chapters 4 through 8 and creates an iPhone “Hello, World!” demo application.
With this set of code, we’re well on our way to finishing the TouchTargets application. All that’s left are the targets, which we’ll tackle in the next set of chapters, the background, and a scoring mechanism.